tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Oct 08 00:09:04 2011

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[Tlhingan-hol] nuq bop bom: 'ay' loSmaH Soch

Qov ([email protected])

tagha' 'ay''a'vam bertlham bolaDlaH. qamerbe' 'e' vIpIH.

The helmsman and security officer have both had their mission performances evaluated by the captain.

"toH, Hota'ro' lagh," jatlhqa' HoD. "chorgh rep ret DuSonta'. yaH poHlIjvaD bIvumrupmeH DaH pa'lIj yIjaH 'ej yIQongchoH."[26]

HoD mIn bej Hota'ro' jatlhtaHvIS. "mIch loSDaq pa'wIj tu'lu'."

tlhuHHa' Hoch net QoylaH. ghaytan meHDaq mImbe'pu'chugh Hota'ro' QongtaHvIS Hegh.

"ghIrel pa' yItlhap," jatlh HoD. "ngaQbe'." Duj De' nejmeH HoD, ghIrel pa' ngaQHa'moHta'. mej Hota'ro'. qabDajDaq reghtaH QIHHom .

ba'choH ghutar. ghopDu'Daj Qorgh. laH tobmeH jatlh HoD, "begh pat yIcha'."

SeHlaw Sen ghutar 'ej HaStaDaq begh pat leghlu'. Qapbe'taH nIH begh. "ghaytan naDevvo' vItI'laH." jatlh HoD. ghIq "'ungya, DuSonta' Hung yaS. HItlhej." HoD pa' lujaH.

"yIba'," jatlh HoD. "DaHjaj batlh bIvang je. Ha'qujlIj nge'pu'DI' Hota'ro' bIqeH 'e' vIpIH 'ach bojIjchu'. SoHmo' yaS moch tlhochmeH mIw ghojlaHbej. Qu' vIta'laHbe'bogh Data'ta'. qanaD neH vIneH 'ach qatlh puqpu' DatungHa'moH? tlham Dachu'Ha' jay'? QIp! HeghlaH vay'!"

"reH Saghqu' Hota'ro'. vIHurghmoH Haghqu' 'ej leSlaw'. vIqun vIneHbe'."

"bIqunqangbe'pu' vIqunnIS. wa'logh DabIjqangba'pu'. nuq jatlh DaqIppa'?"

"jatlh muqIp HoD 'e' vIqotlh. muwuv vIneHqu'. HIqIp."

yay' HoD. "bInep! vIHoHbe'meH bInep. vIHoHbe' 'e' vIlay'. lo'laHbej. nuq jatlh?"

"jInepbe'. Dutoy' neHqu'law'."

"Huj be'vetlh ghob. chaq nuv SeHmeH tuHmoH ghIq pegh. Quj'a' Qujlaw'. 'a mutoy'qangmo' jIbel. bIQongpa' ghe'naQ bom yIQoy." jatlh vajar.

nov bom bomlI' Mahoun ghogh 'e' lu'Ij. ghelmoH 'a jotmoH je. HoSghaj QoQ. 'IjtaHvIS tlhoS boQbogh vIghro''a' luleghlaH.

rInpu'DI' bom jatlh yaS wa'DIch, "'a nuq bop bom?"

"vISovbe'," jang HoD. "'ach vISovchoH 'e' vIHech."[30]
SKI: The captain has words for the FO, and then plays him the song.
[26] Geez, the captain is always sending Hota'ro' to her room, no wonder she's taciturn. [27] I spent three rewrites working out exactly how this worked, but in the end realized it's not worth the verbiage to convey. It's Star Trek. I was going to offer the omitted scene as a mailing list extra, but I seem to have deleted it. [30] I got through an entire Klingon 'ay''a' without permanently killing anyone. I keep regretting starting with such a small crew.
Whatever I was footnoting with number 27 seems to have been edited out, but I do have a lot of omitted material. Maybe it can be on the DVD extras.

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