tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jan 07 12:13:02 2011

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RE: mu'tlheghvam yIlughmoH

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

> wa' Hogh ret tlhIngan Hol vIghItlhchoH.
> {One week ago I start writing Klingon.}

Nice use of {ret} and {-choH} together.  Here are two more variations on the theme:

  qaStaHvIS wa' Hogh neH tlhIngan Hol vIghItlh.
  I've been writing Klingon for only one week.

  qaStaHvIS wa' Hogh tlhIngan Hol neH vIghItlhtaH.
  I've been writing only Klingon for one week.
  I've been writing nothing but Klingon for one week.

FYI:  Other examples of {qaS} "occur, happen" in canon:

qaStaHvIS wa' ram loS SaD Hugh SIjlaH qetbogh loD 
4,000 throats may be cut in one night by a running man. (TKD)

qaStaHvIS wej puq poHmey vav puqloDpu' puqloDpu'chaj je quvHa'moH vav quvHa'ghach 
The dishonor of the father dishonors his sons and their sons for three generations. (TKW)

qaStaHvIS wa'maH puq poHmey, wo'rIv betleH ghaj qorDu'Daj 
Worf's bat'telh has been in his family for ten generations. (S8)

qaSDI' nenghep, qa' patlh chu' chav tlhIngan SuvwI' 
The Age of Ascension marks a new level of spiritual attainment by a Klingon warrior. (S9)

laS veghaS HIltonDaq <Hov leng: yIjeSchu'> qaSchoHmo', bIlopqu'meH HIlton yIghoS 
Come celebrate the grand opening of Star Trek: The Experience at the Las Vegas Hilton. (STX)

poH tuj bI'reS nungbogh wa' jaj qeylIS DIS chorghvatlh loSmaH jav qaStaHvIS. [sic] 
In the days that follow the summer solstice in the Year of Kahless 846. ('U'-MTK) 

qaStaHvIS wanI'vam yIDachQo'
Don't miss this event! (WSC)

> Also, thanks for shedding a lot of light on lu- and lugh, Voragh.  I've
> actually been wondering a whole lot about [lu]tu'lu'.

Qay'be'.  The honor is to serve.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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