tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 27 11:01:23 2010

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Steven Boozer ([email protected])

Felix Malmenbeck:
> Used Qun instead of Qun'a', here.  On the one hand, one can seldom go
> wrong with using augmentative suffixes or epithets to describe one's
> deity, but I'm thinking that an -'a' here might imply that there is
> more than one god, which is kind of a big no-no in biblical contexts.

Exactly right.  Okrand revealed {Qun} on startrek.klingon (7/19/99):

"There is a Klingon word that could be translated god or supernatural being: {Qun}.  In talking of times long ago (pre-Kahless?), Klingons mention these beings, and there seem to have been a good number of them (the plural of {Qun} is {Qunpu'} since they are or were presumably capable of using language, which is what the plural suffix {-pu'} implies).  Though too little is known of ancient Klingon theology, there doesn't seem to have been a single {Qun} that stood out from the rest.  Indeed, the {Qunpu'} appear to have acted collectively.  {Qunpu'} are distinct from {qa'pu'} 'spirits' (such as the spirits of the dishonored dead which reside at Gre'thor).  {Qun'a'} 'great god' ({Qun} plus {-'a'}, the augmentative suffix) may or may not be an appropriate translation for a single supernatural being in a monotheistic system, since the {Qun'a'} would still be one among many." 

If I read this right, Zeus would be the {Qun'a'} of the entire Olympic pantheon {Qunpu'} for example.

Before {Qun}, people on the mailing list and in fandom tended to use *{joH'a'} or *{qa''a'} where the use of {-'a'} was appropriate as {joH} "lord/lady" and {qa'} "spirit" are words in their own right.

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