tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 20 14:33:05 2010

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Re: monastery

Lieven Litaer ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

about the question, what kind of "monastery" was intended, maybe the 
first question that was asked to Maltz might help:

Next - what I believe might really be relevant to Klingons - is the word 
for "monastery". We all know that klingons have this, there's the one on 
the planet Boreth were they wait for Kahless and praise him like a god. 
Can Maltz tell anything else about this, or religion?

The word for monastery is {ghIn}.  This is a pretty general term for a
religious community (and the term "religious" could be interpreted in
various ways as well), so it can be modified.  A {ghIn'a'} would be a
pretty important monastery, for example.

ja' lojmIt:
 > Was any of this paraphrased, or was it all literally
 > text that Okrand wrote?

The above answer is a direct drag-and-drop-copy from his email. The only 
thing I added were the {brackets}.

The intended question was about the building, as I didn't know there 
could be another meaning than the building.

I think the easiest way to find out is to ask Maltz... Seems like this 
is my duty to do so :-)
(he will probably answer something like "is there a difference?")


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