tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Dec 06 09:18:08 2010

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RE: wovmoHwI'mey yupma'

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

>>Also, since {'eH} is an exclamation the use of {-choH} on it is
>>What about saying {rInchoH} "it becomes accomplished" instead?

>jang Voragh, jatlh:
>>I don't have my TKD with me, but I thought {'eH} is a quality that can
>>also be used as an exclamation (similar to the adverbial {tugh} "soon",
>>also used as an exclamation: "Hurry up! Be quick about it!").  Would
>>someone check the TKD glossary to see if {'eH} is labeled "v."?

>Nope, it's glossed "ready (excl)". This is one thing that's usually a
>hassle to new Klingon-speakers, IME - the lack of a generic verb for "to
>be ready, to be prepared".

... and to careless typists keyboarding the TKD glossary into their computer!

>>or if we must use {-rup}:
>>  DaH DIngwI' vIQujrup!
>>  I'm ready to play dreydl now!
>Hmm. That gives some different options in the second line. How about this
>(using {'un lam} "pot dirt" for "clay" [...]

Oh, I like *{'un lam} for "(potter's) clay" -- it fits with the other {'un} noun-noun phrases: {'un naQ} "stirring/mixing stick", {'un quD} "artificially produced *qud*".  And you can append various qualities when it's being used in the pottery:  {yIQ} "be wet", {Hum} "be sticky", {jeD} "be thick/dense/viscous", etc.

> [...] - while I still think {lam} alone is fine, 

Appropriate, since it's apparently a pun on Spanish *lama* "mud, slime".

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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