tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 28 12:16:18 2008

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Clarification (was: Re: Canonicity)

Sangqar ([email protected])

Just so no beginners are confused by this phrase:

> 'up; yIH rur Holqoqvetlh. tlhIngan Hol 'oHbe'.

While the first sentence superficially resembles a simile, this is not 
the proper way to construct one. I originally had written:

'up; yIH rur. tlhIngan Hol 'oHbe' Holqoqvetlh.
That's as disgusting as a tribble. That so-called language is not 
{tlhIngan Hol}.

(The word "that" in the first sentence is not present in the Klingon; 
it's an artifact of translation into English.) Upon proofreading, I 
decided to move the {Holqoqvetlh}, but being somewhat tired, I moved it 
from the end of one sentence to the end of the other, to get the phrase 
quoted above:

'up; yIH rur Holqoqvetlh. tlhIngan Hol 'oHbe'.
That's disgusting; that so-called language is like a tribble. It is not 
{tlhIngan Hol}.

When I received it back in my in-box, I realized what I had done. Since 
the sentence is still grammatically correct, I did not immediately issue 
a correction. But upon further reflection, I realized it might confuse 
beginners. So, for clarification, I had intended my change to produce 
the following:

'up Holqoqvetlh; yIH rur. tlhIngan Hol 'oHbe'.
That so-called language is as disgusting as a tribble. It is not 
{tlhIngan Hol}.

This is the correct grammar for a simile. Sorry if I caused anyone any 

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