tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Apr 27 06:32:29 2008

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Re: Canonicity

Sangqar ([email protected])

Jonathan Webley wrote:
> I get confused with all the different sources of canon. Is there a
> definitive list somewhere?

There is only one source of canon for {tlhIngan Hol}; that is Marc Okrand.

Teresh, in his Klingon Grammar Addenda 
(, uses the following 
classifications, which I think is reasonable:

Within each section, the entries are classified under one of three 
degrees of reliability: Those in bold type represent direct statements 
from Marc Okrand (the language's creator and only source of canon), 
those in plain type represent grammar inferred from canon examples but 
not directly addressed by Marc Okrand (I defer to the members of the 
Klingon Language Institute and its associated mailing list for the 
interpretation of these canon examples), and those in italic type 
represent the accepted usages of the KLI and its members, while 
recognizing that these usages have no canonical standing (there is some 
overlap between these last two categories, since hopefully we base our 
usage on canon). Finally, you can read my own commentaries on a given 
topic by clicking on the Commentary link.

> Level 0
> Words, phrases or grammar that are not tlhIngan Hol. This class would
> include klingonaase and words such as "gin'tak".

'up; yIH rur Holqoqvetlh. tlhIngan Hol 'oHbe'.

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