tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Apr 11 08:03:22 2008

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RE: HISlaH/ghobe' with negative questions

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

> > A friend of mine (jaGni, on #klingon [IRCnet]) asked me if
> > {HISlaH}/{ghobe'} works differently in Klingon than in English --
> > specifically when the question is negated. And after much searching I
> > found I could not answer. So now I seek your wisdom.
> >
> > TKD (dictionary section) says this:
> >
> >   {HISlaH} "yes", "true" (answer to yes/no question) (excl)
> >
> > But that could be interpreted both ways... Can't it? Let me give you an 
> example:
> >
> >   {Dachotbe''a'?} "Did you not murder them?"
> >
> > English:
> >
> >   "Yes." = I did.
> >   "No." = I didn't.
> >
> > Klingon:
> >
> >   {HISlaH.} = "True; I did not."
> >   {ghobe'.} = "False; I did."
> >
> > (If I understand correctly, this is how japanese does it.)
> >
> > or
> >
> >   {HISlaH.} = "Yes; I did."
> >   {ghobe'.} = "No; I did not."
> >
> > Is there any consensus on this? (More than just "avoid negative 
> questions"!)

>The "Yes, I didn't" "No, I did" thing is really rather ambiguous in 
>english too.  To avoid confusion, the easiest thing to do in either 
>language is to simply restate the question.
>With your example
>   HIja', vIchot (yes, I murdered them)
>   HIja', vIchotbe' (yes, I didn't murder them)
>   ghobe', vIchot (no, I murdered them)
>   ghobe' vIchotbe' (no, I didn't murder them)
>are all clear and acceptable responses to the question
>   Dachotbe''a' (Did you not murder them?)
>Some languages have specific features which serve to disambiguate this 
>specific situation, such as the French "si" but neither english nor 
>klingon have such features.

In fact, some languages don't have words for "yes" and "no";  they simply 
repeat the verb with or without the negative, as needed.  be''etlh's 
suggestions are all good.

Here are all the examples I know of {HIja'/HISlaH} and {ghobe'} in context:

tlhIngan SoH'a'?
  Are you a Klingon?
  Yes.  [CK]

tera'ngan SoH'a'?
  Are you a Terran?
HIja',  tera'ngan jIH.
  Yes, I'm a Terran.
Qo'noSDaq bIghIQ'a'?
  Are you vacationing on Kronos?
HIja',  Qo'noSDaq jIghIQ.
  Yes, I'm vacationing on Kronos.
naDev vay' DaSov'a'?
  Do you know anyone here?
ghobe', naDev vay' vISovbe'.
  No, I don't know anyone here.
yIHmey DaHIj'a'?
  Are you transporting tribbles?
ghobe', yIHmey vIHIjbe'.
  No, I'm not transporting tribbles.  [CK]

HIDjolev Dayaj'a', tera'ngan?
  Do you understand the menu, Terran?
ghobe'.  HIboQ!
  No, help me!
  Do you trust me?
HIja',  qavoq.
  Yes, I trust you.   [CK]

tachDaq choDor'a'?
  Will you escort me to a bar?
HIja',  HItlhej!
  Yes, come with me.

bItlhutlh'a', tera'ngan?
  Will you drink, Terran?
HIja'.  nuq tu'lu'?
  Yes.  What is there?

latlh Datlhutlh'a'?
  Will you drink another one?
ghobe'.  jIroplaw'.
  No, I feel sick.   [CK]

pa' jIyIt'a'?
  Can I walk there?
ghobe'.   lupwI' DalIghnIS.
  No.  You must ride the jitney.  [CK]

Are warriors red?
  Doq'a' SuvwI'pu'?
No, they are green!
  ghobe' SuD!    [PK]

Kruge:    vaj Daleghpu'?
            Then you have seen it?
Valkris:  HISlaH, jawwI'.
            I have, my lord.     [ST3]

Q: Sum'a' raS?
      Is the table near (me)?  (Am I near the table?)
A: HIja'.  Sum raS.
      Yes. The table is near (you).
A: ghobe'.  jIHDaq Sum raS.
      No. The table is near me.   [HQ 12/1998]

As you can see, there are no examples of a negative question.  We just 
don't know how Klingons would respond to a question like 
{Dachotbe''a'?}.  I've wondered about it myself:  Would Klingons answer the 
literal question exactly as asked (as they do in Vulcan I would imagine), 
or would they answer the implied question behind the literal form (as we do 
in English)?

BTW Russians sometime answer such questions literally as well.  I remember 
I once asked a bus driver in Moscow, "*Eto ne avtobus v MGU?* ("Isn't this 
the bus to MSU [Moscow State University]?")  He shrugged and answered, "Da" 
- meaning "Yes, you're right:  This isn't the bus to MSU."  Fortunately I 
realized from his tone of voice and expression that I had phrased the 
question queerly and didn't get on.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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