tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Apr 10 16:41:04 2008

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HISlaH/ghobe' with negative questions

Zrajm C Akfohg ([email protected])

A friend of mine (jaGni, on #klingon [IRCnet]) asked me if
{HISlaH}/{ghobe'} works differently in Klingon than in English --
specifically when the question is negated. And after much searching I
found I could not answer. So now I seek your wisdom.

TKD (dictionary section) says this:

  {HISlaH} "yes", "true" (answer to yes/no question) (excl)

But that could be interpreted both ways... Can't it? Let me give you an example:

{Dachotbe''a'?} "Did you not murder them?"


"Yes." = I did.
"No." = I didn't.


{HISlaH.} = "True; I did not."
{ghobe'.} = "False; I did."

(If I understand correctly, this is how japanese does it.)


{HISlaH.} = "Yes; I did."
{ghobe'.} = "No; I did not."

Is there any consensus on this? (More than just "avoid negative questions"!)


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