tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Oct 24 12:24:03 2006

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Re: Jesus' General

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

McArdle wrote:
>There's a blogger who calls himself "Jesus' General" and features a 
>rotating translation of this phrase in his blog title.  One of the 
>languages looks to be Klingon, but I'm having a little trouble making 
>sense of the translation:
>     HoD'ma' ioH'a'
>First, although {HoD] is captain, I haven't found any suffix {'ma'}, and 
>such a thing may not even be possible.  It might be that {HoD'ma'} is a 
>typo for {HoD'a'}, an augmented captain, but if so, why not just use {Sa'}?

It's probably a typo for {-ma'} "our (if capable of using 
language)":  {HoDma'} "our captain".

>As for {ioH'a'}, this is probably {joH'a'}, an augmented lord.

An Augment, eh?  <G>  {joH'a'} "great lord, overlord, lord of lords, etc." 
was fairly widely used for for "god" before the word {Qun} was revealed in 

   There is a Klingon word that could be translated "god" or "super-
   natural being": {Qun}. In talking of times long ago (pre-Kahless?),
   Klingons mention these beings, and there seem to have been a good
   number of them (the plural of {Qun} is {Qunpu'} since they are or
   were presumably capable of using language, which is what the plural
   suffix {-pu'} implies). Though too little is known of ancient Klingon
   theology, there doesn't seem to have been a single {Qun} that stood
   out from the rest. Indeed, the {Qunpu'} appear to have acted collec-
   tively. {Qunpu'} are distinct from {qa'pu'} "spirits" (such as the
   spirits of the dishonored dead which reside at Gre'thor). {Qun'a'}
   "great god" [...] may or may not be an appropriate translation for a
   single supernatural being in a monotheistic system, since the {Qun'a'}
   would still be one among many.  [st.klingon 7/19/1999]

>Is this a reasonable way to refer to Jesus (I suppose there must be an 
>accepted way to do this, given the KBTP)?

I don't know what the KBTP uses, but Glen Proechel transcribed the 
Hebrew/Aramaic form Yeshu *{je'Su'} in his condensed Klingon New Testament 
translation "Good News for the Warrior Race".  And for Christians at least, 
the usual Klingon patronymic {JESUS Qun puqloD} "Jesus, son of G-d" is obvious.

>But even assuming it is, shouldn't "the great Lord's general" be {joH'a' 
>HoD'a'} (if not {joH'a' Sa'})?

You're right; ranks and titles follow the proper name.  In Klingon "Jesus's 
general" and "General Jesus" are both {JESUS Sa'}.  I'm not sure there's an 
easy way to distinguish the two.

OTOH it may not be possession or a title, but rather apposition:  {HoDma' 
joH'a'} "our captain, the great lord".

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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