tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Oct 24 10:54:17 2006

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Jesus' General

McArdle ([email protected])

  There's a blogger who calls himself "Jesus' General" and features a rotating translation of this phrase in his blog title.  One of the languages looks to be Klingon, but I'm having a little trouble making sense of the translation:
      HoD'ma' ioH'a'
  First, although {HoD] is captain, I haven't found any suffix {'ma'}, and such a thing may not even be possible.  It might be that {HoD'ma'} is a typo for {HoD'a'}, an augmented captain, but if so, why not just use {Sa'}?
  As for {ioH'a'}, this is probably {joH'a'}, an augmented lord.  Is this a reasonable way to refer to Jesus (I suppose there must be an accepted way to do this, given the KBTP)?  But even assuming it is, shouldn't "the great Lord's general" be {joH'a' HoD'a'} (if not {joH'a' Sa'})?
  Hoch Satlho' 'ej Savan

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