tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Mar 21 15:19:38 2006

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Re: "type 0" suffixes

QeS 'utlh ([email protected])

ghItlhpu' lay'tel SIvten:
>As a noun-noun construction {loD nal} would mean "man's spouse", which 
>addresses a possible area of Klingon culture not previously addressed to my 
>knowledge (namely same-sex marriages).

Not necessarily. IIRC the noun-noun construction is not only limited to 
possessive constructions, but may be used for all types of genitives, 
including what would be translated as an apposition in English: "man 
spouse"; "woman doctor"; "food fight". We have the parallel canon term {peQ 
chem} "magnetic field" (i.e. of all the different fields there are, it's the 
one pertaining to magnetism). The lack of adjectives in Klingon for "male" 
and "magnetic" means that this is the simplest way to do this sort of 
construction. {loD nal} *could* mean "man's spouse", but it doesn't 
necessarily have to.

QeS 'utlh
tlhIngan Hol yejHaD pabpo' / Grammarian of the Klingon Language Institute

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(Old roads and old friends will never deceive you)
     - Ubykh Hol vIttlhegh

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