tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Mar 06 12:56:36 2006

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(speaking/reading of Klingon) Re: antimatter {rugh}

Shane MiQogh ([email protected])

Fact is, it takes me half an hour at this point to translate things... And none of my sourcecs say "QIn"... Not sure what it is... I'm guessing it's a form of a noun.. Fact of the matter is, i don't have enough information other than to form an one word statement. Maybe a few. I'm still trying to get along reading this thing here.. And i havn't had the time, only enough for my work and a few emails. But not enough to read alot of klingon or form even a sentance of my own. If you want more klingon out of me, i'll disappear for a while until i can find time to study it. So, i guess this is bye for now. I know you're not trying to scare me off, but i just don't have the time, *YET*.
QeS 'utlh <[email protected]> wrote:  ghItlhpu' Shane MiQogh, ja':
>Pardon me, but at the moment my skills are only at the reading

vaj yIruch. "Not reading all the Klingon" bIja' SoH. 'ej, tlhIngan Hol 
QInwIj DalaDQo'chugh, ghaytan qechmeywIj DayajHa'. chojanglaHchu'meH, 
tlhIngan Hol QInwIj DalaDnISba'.

>Until i have more time to study the language itself, i doubt i'll be
>able to do much speaking in it.

{yInID} ja' neH ghunchu'wI'. {yIpup'eghmoH} ja'be'bej. ghaytan pupbe' QInlIj 
wa'DIch, 'ach motlh pupbe' vay' QIn wa'DIch. ('upqu' QInwIj wa'DIch.) 
bInIDbe'chugh, not Hol DajatlhlaH. bIDub'eghchoHmeH bIqeqnIS. vaj, 'op 
QInlIj DaghItlhmeH tlhIngan Hol Dalo'pa', QInlIj vIjangQo'.
ghunchu'wI' only said "try". He didn't say "be perfect". Your first message 
likely won't be perfect, but nobody's is. (My first post was *awful*.) If 
you don't try, you'll never speak the language. You need to practise to 
improve. To that end, I won't respond to your previous message until you've 
written at least part of it in Klingon.

HIyaj: pIghIj wIneHbe'qu'. tlhIngan Hol DaghojmeH pIQaHqang 'ej pIboQqang. 
'ach pIQaHlaHmeH, Hol Dalo'nISqu'. vaj yIlo'! loQ neH Dalo'laHchugh, vaj loQ 
yIlo', 'ach yIlo'qu'. tlhIngan Hol Dalo'chugh, Hoch luboplaH QInlIj: QI', 
Quj, yInlIj - Hoch.
Look: we're not trying to scare you off - far from it. We're willing to 
help, but for us to help you, you need to use the language. If you can only 
use it a little, then use it only a little - but please do use it. You can 
talk about whatever you like if you use Klingon: the military, sports, your 
personal life, whatever.

QeS 'utlh
tlhIngan Hol yejHaD pabpo' / Grammarian of the Klingon Language Institute

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(Old roads and old friends will never deceive you)
- Ubykh Hol vIttlhegh

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