tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Feb 27 20:17:18 2006

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Re: Klingon word for "Bookmarklet"/"Favelet"?

Shane MiQogh ([email protected])

I don't know if anyone mentioned this or not (not reading everything), but it's more than just book mark... The term "bookmark" is reference to the english compound noun "bookmark". lol Wow, anyway... Bookmarklet is more than just a bookmark. I am checking it out, and it's actually a bookmark with java/javascript code (appLET) in it. I'm sure bookmarkapp is probably copyrighted, so, we must consider it'll probably be a paragraph just to give this thing a friggan name. lol It could be a mark, marker, placement device, tracker, just for the mark part of bookmark. It all depends on what such a thing would be called in klingon. We must remember that klingon is more of a primative language (as spoken) compared to other languages in the world. (If you don't beleive me: give me an example of future tense and past tence then the whole -wI' thing for verbs to noun? yea...) So book would be either paper or book or whatever they probably already have for that. Mark would be most likely somthing
 like mark or marker... Then again... it should be something like "Page Locator" or "placement marker" or reading marker.
Alan Anderson <[email protected]> wrote:
  On Feb 27, 2006, at 4:21 AM, Philip Newton wrote:

> motlh Daq 'oS "bookmark"; motlh "bookmark" bI'reSDaq "http://"; 
> tu'lu'. per 'oH.

quSDaq bIba'.

> 'ach "bookmark" bI'reSDaq "http://"; tu'lu'be'chugh 'ej "javascript:"
> tu'lu'chugh, mIw 'oHlaH.

toH, DaH jIyajchoH. "javascript" ngaSlaH "bookmark" 'e' vISovbe', 
bIQIjpa'. pIj munuQ "javascript" 'ej 'utbe'chugh vIlo'be'. 
"javascript" laj De'wI'wIj 'e' vIchaw'DI', QapchoH HochHom http:// chovnatlhmey. Qapbe'taH 'op, 'ej QapHa'law' 
'op, 'ach DaH ghu' vIyajlaH.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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