tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Feb 25 17:35:55 2004

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[tlhIngan-Hol] Language differences

Se'noj le'umaS ([email protected])

One of the things I( have noticed in my linguistic travels, is that one of 
the greatest differences between native and non-native speakers is, not that 
the non-native speaks less accurately, but that they often speak MORE 
accurately. This would seem to explain the things noticed by certain Spanish 
speakers on the list.
If one learns a language from the outside, they stick very closely to the 
rules. Look at we Klingonists, we would never dream of breaking the rules 
that Maltz has explained to us. But, many observers have noted that most 
Klingons are very liberal with the rules, often breaking them entirely for 
things such as speed and poetic license. And English speakers, also, break 
their own rules. One look at retarded 4-year-old AOL language will show a 
prime example, OMG LOL TRU!!! And l337, also.
It has been noted in congruent literature between English and Klingon, also. 
Shakespeare, one of the 'greatest' writers of history for both culture, is, 
at least in English, a rather shameless hack. No-one in Shakespeare's time 
said "E'en so" in place of "Even so" or "Yes", though he uses it frequently, 
espescially in Hamlet, Son of the Emperor of Kronos. or perhaps this is just 
a bad attempt by the mIgh yuQjIjQa' to make their forgeries more 
'authentic'. We will never know.


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