tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Feb 18 06:39:25 2004

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Re: Letter Names?

Lieven L. Litaer (Quvar) ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

Am 17.02.2004 23:25:47, schrieb "Daniel Abraham" <[email protected]>:

>using the actual phonetic sounds ("kkk, lll, eeh..."). How can one refer to
>a specific Klingon letter? For example, how would a hypothetical 1st-grade
>teacher pronounce (not write) the sentence "{b} as in {batlh}"?

We know nothing about that, IIRC, but I like the way it is done on the KLI's website.
You can listen to the sounds there, and the scheme is {*a*a*} where * stands for the letter. Like this 
you have the sounds at every possible place (first, center, last)

This is probably not official (correct me if I'm wrong), but if I need to spell a word in Klingon I say 
{batlh} as "babab-a-tlhatlhatlh".
Perhaps a shorter "bab-a-tlhatlh", with only 2 repetitions of the letter might be better. [NB: this is not 
canon, just my opinion.]

>By the way, am I correct in assuming that the general term for a letter is
>{Degh} or {pIqaD Degh}?

Many people use it, so {Degh} could work, but I think it's not glossed as "letter" or the like. It's 
"medal, emblem, symbol, insignia". 

This IS canon!  ;-)


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