tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Feb 07 00:27:00 2004

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Re: DCKL translation problems: some with A

Steven Boozer ([email protected]) [KLI Member]

Quvar wonders about...

>-accommodate v. ma'.
>too many different meanings ...

Never used in canon.  marqoS tells the story of how this word came to be:

   In ST3 "The Klingon is {qama'pu' jonta' neH!}; the original script
   had the English as "I told you: engine only!" ({qa-} "I/you"; *{ma'}
   "tell"; {-pu'} "perfective"; {jonta'} "engine"; {neH} "only"), but
   it got rewritten in the subtitles to "I wanted prisoners!" ... The
   verb {ma'}, meaning "to tell", was changed to {ja'} to remove the
   ambiguity of the sentence and make the substitution less obvious.

But Holtej recognized Okrand's joke:

   And, of course, the addition of the verb {ma'} "accommodate". So now,
   {qama'pu'} means "I have accommodated you", perhaps in a tongue-in-
   cheek swipe at Paramount by MO.

>-accumulate v. vI'.
>intransitive: (sich) anhäufen
>transitive: anlagern, ansammeln

We finally have canon for this in the current HolQeD [12.4:9]:

   Ears (at least healthy ones) produce no byproducts other than earwax
   ({Serrum}), which is said to somehow just {vI'} "accumulate" in the

>-advance v. Duv.
>vorrücken, vorwärtsbringen, vordringen
>i.e. move in a specific direction
>    The other way of advance is "progress" {tlhetlh}, right?

Never used in canon.

Cf. also {chol} "close in, get closer, come nearer" and {ghoS} "proceed, 
come toward, approach".  Antonyms include {DoH} "back away from, back off, 
get away from" and {HeD} "retreat, withdraw".

As for {tlhetlh} "progress", the noun "progress" is {Ser} (never used in 

>-agency s. tum.
>What kind of agency? CIA? Ticket agency?  Or maybe something else

Never used in canon.

I've always assumed that this refers to a government agency, like the one 
in charge of espionage, internal security, space exploration, etc.

Note that "agent, emissary" is the unrelated noun {Duy}.

For other types of organizations, we have {DIvI'} "federation, 
organization", {yejHaD} "institute, institution" and {yej'an} "society" 
(e.g. a scholarly organization).

>-assess v. (evaluate) chov.
>Does that mean "control, analyze"?
>For "assess", Websters' gave me four definitions, I think it must be number 4:
>4 : to analyze critically and judge definitively the nature, significance, 
>status, or merit of : determine the importance, size, or value of *assess 
>men as leaders* *properly assessing the financial needs of individual 
>students? J.B.Conant*

Correct.  {chov}  "assess, evaluate, test" in canon:

   luchovmeH 'oy'naQmey lo'
   [Warriors] who test him with painstiks. S9

   tlhIngan wo' yuQmey chovlu'chugh Qo'noS potlh law' Hoch potlh puS.
   The principal planet of the Klingon Empire, Qo'noS... S27

The verb {chov} is no doubt related to the noun {chovnatlh} "specimen" - 
i.e. the sample you test.

Cf. also {nuD} "examine", {poj} "analyze", {waH} "try out, test, use 
experimentally" and the pair {tob} "test conclusively" vs. {Daj} "test 

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons 

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