tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Feb 07 00:19:23 2004

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RE: KLBC: Genesis 1:1-5

sangqar ([email protected]) [KLI Member]

> {tagh} certainly seems to be useful here, but {-meH}? I think the meaning
> should be heaven and earth were made at the time of the beginning, not
> exactly for its sake.

vIqelqa'DI', bIlugh.  chaq <taghDI'>.
> As for {'u'} - isn't that just as "modern" as {ghor}? Maybe {ngeHbej}, hmm,
> or something entirely different...

chaq <qo'> Dalo'laH.

> By the way, the term "heaven and earth" is indeed an idiom - even in Hebrew
> - but the idiom originates exactly from this place. At least in this
> particular instance it's meant quite literally, unlike other places that I
> can't recall right now when even the bible uses it as an idiom ("heaven and
> earth and all their armies" or something).

Actually, I ws thinking of the Hebrew idiom when I wrote this (I almost never use this idiom in 
English.)  The idiom was in my mind because I recently read a defense of *ex nihilo* creation 
which claimed that this was indeed an idomatic usage.  The point was that reading it as an 
idomatic usage makes it clear that God is creating absolutely everything here, while reading it 
literally means that he very well could be creating the heavens and the earth from pre-
existing materials.

mughmeH mIw vIqelDI', tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhnISbe'.  'ach DaH vuDwIj vIDel, vaj tlhIngan Hol 

*ex nihilo*-'e', jIHvaD ram chenmoHmeH mIw'e' lo'bogh Qun. qo' chenmoH Qun, 'ej potlh 
ngoDvam.  pagh lo' pagh vay' lo' chenmoHDI', chenmoHwI'na' ghaH.  paQDI'norgh lugh 
Harbe' nuv, vaj nuvvetlh qich Qun 'e' Har 'op nuv.  vIHarbe' jIH.  QunvaD, ta'meylIj potlh law', 
qechmeylIj potlh puS.  Qun chut Dapab 'e' DanIDqu'chugh, vaj yon Qun.


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