tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Apr 15 04:05:48 2004

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RE: New vocabulary and {law'/puS} variants (HQ 13.1)

QuljIb ([email protected])

"QeS lagh" <[email protected]> wrote:

vIghItlhpu' quljIb:
>>Now, I gather that {loS 'uj woch tlhIngan} more correct, qar'a'?

jang QeS lagh; ghItlh:
>ghobe'. {woch} qar puS {tIq} qar puS. {tIq} {woch} je Dalo'laHbe'. DoS
>lo'laHbe'. ja'wI' vuD neH 'oH: {tlhegh tIq}, {SuvwI' woch}. woch nuvpu'
>law' 'e' Har machwI'; wochbogh nuvpu' puS vIlegh. vagh DoD wej
>cha' 'ujmey vI'ab; jIH woch law' HochHom nuvpu' vISovbogh woch puS.
>('ach jav DoD pagh Soch 'ujmey 'ab 'IrneHwI' jup; wochqu'chu'.)
>You don't use either {tIq} or {woch}. Both appear to be intransitive
>verbs, and therefore don't take an object. It just means that, from the
>speaker's point of view, X is comparatively tall or long: {tlhegh tIq} "a
>long rope", {SuvwI' woch} "a tall warrior". Someone who has dwarfism
>might think that a lot of people are tall; similarly, I don't see many
>people around who are really tall in my mind, since I'm 6'1", and most
>people I know are 5'10" or below. My uncle's friend is 6'11", though.
>That's tall. (The only man I know personally who measures more than six
>uj. {{:D
>nuv juvmeH {'ab} wIlo'laH. vangwI' DoS je lo'.
>To state someone's height, we use {'ab}, which is transitive:
>{jav 'ujmey 'ab SuvwI'} "the warrior is six uj tall"

<<vIlegh>> jatlh leghlaHbe'bogh loD.  {{:)


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