tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Apr 01 04:09:19 2004

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Re: -Daq with verbs of motion

QeS lagh ([email protected])

ghItlhpu' weQqul:

>hey! this could mean "send it to me (for me) in email" and it could also 
>mean "send it to me via email." i never thought about this before. i always 
>thought of it as "in email". now i can see it as having either meaning. In 
>this particular sentence, they both mean the same thing though. :)

That's the point: sometimes "in" and "via" have pretty similar meanings.

Remember, though, that "via" is more generally instrumental rather than 
locative (although the distinction is very fuzzy in the English 
preposition). "Via" means "by way of" (from Latin {via} "way, road"). You 
could use either an instrumental or a locative to mean the same thing in 
your example:

{De' jabbI'IDDaq jIHvaD yIngeH} (locative)
{jIHvaD DangeHmeH De' jabbI'ID yIlo'} (instrumental)

but this might not always be the case. {-Daq} in Klingon text doesn't always 
mean "via", and conversely you probably shouldn't always use {-Daq} to 
translate "via". Myself, I'd probably tend to plump for the instrumental 
{lo'}-construct in most, if not all, cases, since there's no ambiguity about 
what you mean there. But this doesn't mean I'd never use the other way. 
Context is paramount.

I just had a rather important thought, though: might {chobDaq pa' vI'el} be 
better rendered {chobvo' pa' vI'el}, since we're not actually going TOWARDS 
(allative/locative) the corridor, but rather OUT OF (ablative) it? Another 
example of how Context Is The Way.

So we now have three translations for "via": {-Daq}, {-vo'}, and 
{lo'}-construct. There is no *the Klingon way to say X*, but merely a whole 
succession of *Klingon ways to say X*.


QeS lagh

{lojmIt tu'lu'be'chugh, lojmItna''e' tu'lu'bejtaH} (The Door would be there, 
even if the door was not.) - Douglas Adams

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