tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jul 16 12:40:46 2003

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Re: Using New Words

Tyler Fisher wrote:

>Here is my attempt to try and use some of the new vocabulary in sentences.

Since you didn't flag this "KLBC", I'll comment.

>{qa'rI'Daq wovmoHwI' tu'lu'.}
>There's a light at the end of the tunnel.

Although Okrand didn't use it in a sentence, you still need to specify what 
type of {qa'rI'} you're talking about:  {'och qa'rI'} "the end of the 
tunnel", {chob qa'rI'} "the end of the corridor", {yatlh tIq qa'rI'} "the 
end of a long field", etc.

Note that {wovmoHwI'} is a device for producing light, not the actual light 
itself.  (Cf. {telDaq wovmoHwI'mey} "Wing Lights" [KBoP].)  At the moment, 
all we can do is say that something - e.g. the end of the tunnel itself - 
is {wov} "be light, bright":

     wov 'och qa'rI'.

... though I admit that this isn't even close to feel of the original.

>{'ej DaH DorchoH 'ej vaj bertlham vIqaD...}
>And now, the end is near, and so I face the final curtain...

What's the subject of {Dor}?  In Okrand's words it is "a stretch of 
time".  How about {yInwIj} "my life", {yInwIj lut} "the story of my life", 
{yInwIj tuH} "the adventure of my life", {yInwIj bertlham} "the (very) end 
of my life", etc.?

One could also say somewhat literally

   Sum yInwIj bertlham
   my life's end is near (nearby)

Nice use of {qaD}, though.  It echoes

   nIteb Qob qaD jup 'e' chaw'be' SuvwI'
   A warrior does not let a friend face danger alone. TKW

Putting this together:

   DaH DorchoH yInwIj bertlham 'ej vaj vIqaDnIS
   now the (very) end of my life comes to an end and so I must face it

   DaH DorchoH yInwIj 'ej vaj bertlhamDaj vIqaD
   now my life comes to an end and so I face it's end

   DaH DorchoH yInwIj 'ej tugh bertlhamDaj vIqaDnIS
   now my life comes to an end and soon I must face it's end


Okay, the two "ends" are repetitive in English but it sounds better in 

Hmm... for some reason {'ej vaj} "and so" feels redundant in Klingon (but 
not in English).  You might just use {vaj} alone.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons 

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