tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jul 15 01:47:17 2003

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Re: Klingon - Terminology Databases (IMHO)

In a message dated 7/14/2003 7:54:14 PM Central Standard Time, 
[email protected] writes:

> The biggest problem that I hear people telling me is that they want 
> something simple to start with. TKD is nice for a person is really wants 
> to learn the language, but it's not the school textbook that people want 
> to see. I've heard people say that they wish there were a dick and jane 
> type series in Klingon to help them learn it. Or the type of textbook they 
> can write answers in and then check them in the back. Something like the 
> French textbook I had when I was a kid or the Farsi textbook I had when I 
> was in college.

Here's an idea.  Who would be interested in publishing coloring books, pencil 
puzzle books (for those who like the challenge of tlhIngan Hol while taking a 
dump), or a comic book, not just strips?  These small things could lead to 
others seeking the language.  For instance: a crossword puzzle with all tlhIngan 
Hol words with their translation next to them. A list of tlhIngan Hol words 
and their translations on a word search.  I would certainly buy that, and I am 
sure the investment of a few dollars rather than $20 or so would entice a 
great deal more people to investigate the language if for a lark if nothing else.
-veS joH

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