tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jul 14 08:07:51 2003

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Re: Is the language too bound for its own good? (was Re: Klingon - Terminolog...

> We need to brainstorm ideas on how to get the word out about the language...

Well, if someone would win the lottery we could afford to advertise our 
qepHommey on TV.  :)

That's the biggest problem with getting the word out... how do we do it?  I 
know there are other klingons in Rochester.  A co-worker saw someone at the 
fabric store with a picture of a klingon in uniform, looking for matching 
fabric.  But the co-worker didn't think to get that person's phone number.  So 
how do I go about finding these other klingons?  Putting a flyer up on a public 
board only works if they, or their friends happen to see it.  Putting a flyer 
in the bookstore only works if they buy TKD while the flyer is there.  What 
about those that already have TKD sitting on their shelf with dust on it?


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