tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jul 14 07:59:26 2003

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Re: Is the language too bound for its own good? (w

> If I may compare it with german, where there is a german word for "cell
> phone" - guess what it is? "HANDY". Yes, "HANDY" - sounds just like an
> english word, but isn t. Why did this happen? Because there are too
> many meddling with it.

And I'm afraid every single one of them are NATIVE speakers. German belongs
to those who speak it natively. If the populus decided to replace all nouns
with the word "George", they should be allowed to do it. Furthermore, there
is no one who can stop them. That's how language works.

Unfortunately, there is no native Klingon speaker, outside of the fiction we
play along with. So all of our information MUST come from Okrand, not
because anything else would cause the language to decay, but because it's
Okrand's, and only Okrand's, language.

As for his successor, I think the KLI is a perfect choice. This list has a
reputation for being inhabited with "language Nazis", to quote another
board, but most of us probably had serious questions about the political
affiliations of our English teachers, and all on this list can communicate
very well in that language. So who better to take over than an organization
that will tolerate nothing less than correct Klingon speech/ writing?

> You can't get the masses without dumbing down - do you want that?

Do'Ha', jIQochbe'.

> Yes, there should be more - but you can't force people to learn klingon
> if they don't want to.

Do', jIQochbe'.

And if I may get this off my chest...

There, I've said it.
This is the easiest language I've attempted to learn. (I've dabbled in about
10 different languages, and I am by no stretch a linguistic genius. The
po'wI'pu' on this list can attest to that.) The only one that comes close is
spoken Japanese, where there are two irregular verbs in the language ("kuru"
and "suru","to do" and "to come", for those keeping track), verbs do not
change, no matter the nominative, and there is no pluralization or articles.
And Klingon is EASIER.

HovpoH juHDaq:
HovpoH 700284.1

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