tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jul 14 06:43:54 2003

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Re: Is the language too bound for its own good? (w

>Klingon Warrior <[email protected]>

>(because this language is a bit more difficult than others and
learning a
>foreign language sucks as it is, something should be thought of to win
over the
>masses of people too

You can't get the masses without dumbing down - do you want that? I
agree that klingon needs more publicity, but as long as people tend to
think that ANYTHING Science-Fiction related is nothing more than geeks
fairy tales, there isn't much hope.

>But couldn't there be more...than this list...than an annual
qep'a'...than what >we have now?  I'm talking colleges in every state
who teach Klingon for those
>wanting to take classes!
Yes, there should be more - but you can't force people to learn klingon
if they don't want to. And, as said above, as long as people don't take
Klingon serious(because it's born out of Science-Fiction), they won't
learn it.
Also, IMO before there are classes teaching Klingon, I think it would
be better to have more classes teaching the native language(this is NOT
against you, I just mention it because whenever I read a message board
I see tons of mistakes and this is quite annoying...).
Klingon is fun, it is an interesting language, but only as tertiary
language IMO. (For example German/English/Klingon - or whatever is
reasonable in your country).

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