tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Dec 28 19:29:42 2003

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Re: MOST terminology

Se'noj le'umaS ([email protected])

>Please forgive me for asking what might be a stupid question, but I am
>new to this list.  When you say "we", to whom are you referring?  I'm
>assuming you mean the worldwide community of Klingonists, or perhaps,
>even more broadly, even humanity in general, as any person could,
>potentially, take an interest in Klingon, and then want to have a word
>for such things as "window", etc.

'We' is used in the most general sense. If "we" don't have a word, that word 
does not exist for the language anywhere.

>Also, when you say that we don't really "have" such words, I'm assuming
>that you mean that such words are not in what I have seen referred to
>as "the canon".  I'm also assuming that the "canon" means works
>published by either Dr. Okrand or Paramount.

Dr. Okrand is the canon source. Paramount, if they get it right (rarely), 
get their words from the good doctor.

>How does a Klingon word become "official"?  Is there a body which
>votes, or does it become "official" through peer review and
>acceptance, or does it become "official" by merely becoming recognized
>as a good solution and thereafter becoming widely adopted?   I'm
>guessing that it might be a combination of several of the above.

A Klingon word becomes official when Dr. Okrand says it does. And not 
necessarily in publication. I'm sure many will regale you with pleasure 
about the origins of {Sa'Hut}.

>I am guessing that the concerns of Klingonists in general is to keep
>the evolving grammar and vocabulary consistent with Dr. Okrand's work.
>I recall reading that Dr. Okrand said that he wanted to create a
>language which was counter-intuitive for humans, as Klingon was not,
>after all, intended to be a "human" language, but rather, a language
>spoken natively by non-Terrans, more specifically, Klingons.

Yeah, that's half the fun.

>Thank you for answering these basic questions.

You're welcome, no problem at all.


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