tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 10 10:12:48 2003

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Re: Word for "random"

Lieven L. Litaer (Quvar) ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

jaj 10.12.2003 rep 16:51:00, ghItlh [email protected]:

>I'm still strongly attracted to {pat}, though, despite Voragh's and
>Quvar's examples, which refer only to objects, 

These are all Marc Okrands examples, which refer only to objects!

>how Klingons can understand {pat} to refer to physical objects if they
>don't first understand it as referring to abstract concepts.
>My dictionary defines a "system" as a collection of objects that function

Does it define "system" or {pat}?

>that {pat} means "physical system"; it is almost inconceivable to me
>that it does not also refer to a "conceptual system".

I understand completely what you say. But I think you shouldn't stick too much to the word "system". It's just a translation of the word 
{pat}. From all the examples that we have from Marc Okrand it is clear (to me) that {pat} conveys the idea of "machine, device" or the 
like, or maybe a longer definition, adapting your words, a "collection of devices and machines that function together in an orderly 

>An ordered list is one that groups its elements in an orderly and logical
>way, and could be said to be, or have, a system; a random list is one
>whose elements are not grouped in an orderly way, that is, which lacks
>a system.

Yes, but I'm sure that if I would say {pat Hutlh verenganpu'} one would understand that they have no jolpat, no De'wI' pat, no 
Hongghor pat...


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