tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Aug 03 14:52:42 2003

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root ([email protected])

Consider the following examples:

chen Duj       (The ship takes form)
Duj chenmoH    (He/She causes the ship to take form)

poS lojmIt     (The door is open)
lojmIt poSmoH  (He/She causes the door to be open)

That would make:

ghoj SuvwI'    (The warrior learns)
SuvwI' ghojmoH (He/She causes the warrior to learn)

To me it seems, that the direct object of a -moH verb is the thing which
is caused to perform the action...

Now, if you take "tlhIngan Hol ghojmoH" that is _not_ "He/She causes the
klingon language to be learned", but it is "He/She causes the klingon language
to learn", what surely is not what one wants.

I would suggest something like (If I really wants it in one sentence):

tlhIngan Hol ghoj Matlh 'e' vIruchmoH.
I cause it to proceed that Malz learns the klingon language.

But what Su'Stel said surely works nice... I have often read
split sentences which would always be conjuncted in english.

Another Topic: I got a pronounciation question:
If I want to say "ta'vaD jISuv" what do I do between the D of -vaD and the j?
A short pause in order to pronounce a j or would I speak a j with my tounge
still at the top of my mouth?


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