tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Oct 24 12:33:06 1998

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Re: Need help!!

ja'pu' Ti-Lyn Soh:
>Or, if someone would be kind enough to provide me with a brief run-down of
>the language in terms of structure and differences compared to english.

ja' Qov:
>Ha ha.  Just say "in every way."

The complex description Qov gave isn't a joke.  Klingon is a language with
many distinct features, and trying to describe it in a "brief run-down" is
not going to be very helpful.

In order to learn Klingon grammar, you need to do two things:  First, read
(and re-read, then re-read again) the first half of The Klingon Dictionary.
Second, practice it with others who can give you constructive feedback.  If
you don't have the book, you're missing the essential resource.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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