tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Oct 24 12:16:23 1998

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Re: 50 most useful words.

ja' qurgh HoD:
>I'm trying to compile a list of 50 of the most useful Klingon words. This
>is to give to some friends so they, and myself, with have a good base
>vocab, just to start off with.

Every time I try to make a list of "useful" words, I find that there's no
general way to decide what is useful and what isn't.  There's no excuse for
not knowing all the chuvmey, but verbs and nouns are situation-dependent.
You know what situations to expect, so you're the best person to decide on
the vocabulary that will be most appropriate for you and your friends.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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