tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Oct 21 07:39:25 1998

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RE: More words

qaSDI' 06:12 AM 10/21/98 -0700, ghItlh Thornton:

>By "more extensive set" I mean more new words. I think more
>people would take an interest in Klingon if there were more
>words for the things that they would want to say, and the Star 
>Trek writers might just do a better job, too. 

If the writers don't pay attention to the words that exist now, I don't see
why more would make any difference.

>You say that there is not a "language committee", but I think
>it's actually a great idea. The KLI could be the sponsor, and 
>Dr. Okrand could be the chair, with final say on additions and 
>changes to tlhIngan Hol, 

That is contrary to the KLI's purpose.  It has always encouraged scholarly
study of tlhIngan Hol, but scholars don't "make up" the subject of their
own work.  If an anthropologist is studying the customs of a small tribe in
Mongolia, he does not teach them new customs and then include them in his

of course. I know tlhIngan Hol is his 
>intellectual property, but I would think that he would like to 
>see it grow (but he might not, either). Has anyone ever talked 
>to him about it? Has he ever said either about further 
>development of tlhIngan Hol?

Okrand is developing tlhIngan Hol.  He has writen three books on the
subject, and is reputedly working on a fourth.  


>~ Thornton
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:	Alan Anderson [SMTP:[email protected]]
>> Sent:	Tuesday, October 20, 1998 11:05 PM
>> To:	Multiple recipients of list
>> Subject:	Re: More words
>> ja' "Rose, Thornton (Atlanta)" <[email protected]>:
>> >I know that this is a little off topic, and probably will rub some
>> >people the wrong way (how's that for a colloquialism?), but has
>> >anyone thought about or worked on creating a much more extensive
>> >set of words for tlhIngan Hol?
>> Two things come to my mind in response to this question.  First, what
>> do you mean by "a much more extensive set" in the first place?  There
>> are quite a lot of words already.  In what direction are you wanting
>> to extend the list?  What are you having difficulty expressing within
>> the existing vocabulary?  Let us know what you want to say, and we can
>> either help you do it with what we have or explain why what we have is
>> not up to the task.
>> Second -- we aren't creating tlhIngan Hol anyway.  We're just studying
>> and using it.  There isn't a "language committee" set up to invent new
>> vocabulary or suffixes or grammar or idioms.  We take the language as
>> it exists and explore its limits.  On occasion we reach what look like
>> definite boundaries.  Sometimes we encounter gaps that seem to cry out
>> to be filled, but *we* aren't the ones who can fill it.  The language
>> belongs to Marc Okrand, and we do not try to take it from him.
>> -- ghunchu'wI'

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