tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Oct 20 20:01:11 1998

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Re: More words

ja' "Rose, Thornton (Atlanta)" <[email protected]>:
>I know that this is a little off topic, and probably will rub some
>people the wrong way (how's that for a colloquialism?), but has
>anyone thought about or worked on creating a much more extensive
>set of words for tlhIngan Hol?

Two things come to my mind in response to this question.  First, what
do you mean by "a much more extensive set" in the first place?  There
are quite a lot of words already.  In what direction are you wanting
to extend the list?  What are you having difficulty expressing within
the existing vocabulary?  Let us know what you want to say, and we can
either help you do it with what we have or explain why what we have is
not up to the task.

Second -- we aren't creating tlhIngan Hol anyway.  We're just studying
and using it.  There isn't a "language committee" set up to invent new
vocabulary or suffixes or grammar or idioms.  We take the language as
it exists and explore its limits.  On occasion we reach what look like
definite boundaries.  Sometimes we encounter gaps that seem to cry out
to be filled, but *we* aren't the ones who can fill it.  The language
belongs to Marc Okrand, and we do not try to take it from him.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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