tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Oct 07 15:49:23 1998

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lab qoruS:

> jIQubtaH vIS tera'ngan vIDa
> While I'am thinking I act like a terran.

There is no space in <jIQubtaHvIS>, but otherwise this is fine.

> Are all verbs literal in tlhIngan Hol?  I couldn't say;
> tera'ngan vIQub. Where (Qub) would be the act of thinking, 
> this would mean "I think a terran".  

I'm not sure what you mean by the question, but I am sure you are right
that <tera'ngan vIQub> makes no sense.

> So far I also have not seen anything that could be 
> treated as a comparator.
> ex.  I think (like) a terran
>         Terran I/it think like

The words we use most often in Klingon when comparing things are <Da>
and <rur>. To say "you eat like a Romulan" (not a very nice thing), you
say <bISoptaHvIS romuluSngan DaDa> or <... Darur>, depending on whether
the resemblance is only in the action or in the whole person. To say
"you look like a Romulan", you could say <romuluSngan Darur>, or <bImoH.
romuluSngan Darur> if you wanted to be more specific. To say "his hair
is the color of an orange", you would say "Doq jIbDaj. na'ran rur."
Starting to get the pattern?

> In the Klingon Language my name is Korus
> tlhIngan Hol Daq pongwIj qoruS

English uses the word "in" to mean quite a lot of things, but the suffix
<-Daq> (without a space, by the way), is used only for physical
concepts: <pa'vamDaq paq Datu'> - "You will find the book in this room".
You can't really apply it to a language.

What you can do is rephrase. Try "My Klingon name is Korus" or "Klingons
call me Korus".

Beginners' Grammarian

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