tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu May 28 07:21:12 1998

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Re: Qong bom

At 06:06 98-05-28 -0700, mu' QujwI' wrote:
}I've made a translation (or rather Klingon Interpretation) of a Dutch
lullaby Called "Slaap kindje slaap" which means "Sleep child sleep".
}Originally It's about a sheep with white feet that's drinking milk.
}Because that's not really in the klingon spirit (and there's no klingon
word for sheep) I decided a targ would be a better subject.
}For those of you who don't know what a targ is, it's a klingon,fury,piglike
Ha'DibaH with spiky things on his back. 
}O.k, so here it is. Note that It's in clipped klingon.
}Qong puqwI' Qong,
Sleep,  my child, sleep. (clipped)

}HurDaq jItlI' targh.
Outside the targ is ???-ing.

I don't know the verb /jIt/.  Am I just out of it today?  

}qamDu'Daj bIH Doq'e',
The xxx is his feet.

The construction you have used there is only used to say "X is Y" when X and
Y are both nouns.  If /Doq/ were a noun, you would have said that it,
whatever it was, was his feet.  But it's not.  To say "His feet are red"
use the verb /Doq qamDu'Daj/.  To be is incorporated into the verb.  

}vaj 'Iw Doq tlhutlhba'lI'.
Thus obviously he is drinking red blood.

}Qong puqwI' Qong,
}HurDaq jItlI' targh.

Etcetera.  What the heck is /jIt/?

And lastly, the subject line means "the song sleeps" not "sleep song,"
because /Qong/ is not a noun.

Qov     [email protected]
Now on ICQ: 12235599               

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