tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu May 28 05:52:31 1998

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Qong bom

I've made a translation (or rather Klingon Interpretation) of a Dutch lullaby Called "Slaap kindje slaap" which means "Sleep child sleep".

Originally It's about a sheep with white feet that's drinking milk.
Because that's not really in the klingon spirit (and there's no klingon word for sheep) I decided a targ would be a better subject.
For those of you who don't know what a targ is, it's a klingon,fury,piglike Ha'DibaH with spiky things on his back. 

O.k, so here it is. Note that It's in clipped klingon.

Qong puqwI' Qong,
HurDaq jItlI' targh.
qamDu'Daj bIH Doq'e',
vaj 'Iw Doq tlhutlhba'lI'.
Qong puqwI' Qong,
HurDaq jItlI' targh.

I'll try and make a sound file, singing the song. Then we can all have a good laugh.

mu' QujwI' 

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