tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon May 25 23:49:00 1998

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Re: KLBC: jatmey volume one winter 1995, HIboQ

At 20:09 98-05-25 -0700, Marc wrote:
}thlIngan Hol vIHaDtaH 'ej mu'thleghvam jIyajbe':

{vIyajbe'} - show the object,

}    "lut'a, 1.1: Sov wIyajlu'bogh wInej"
}I'm not sure whether the head noun is "Sov" or  "us" (because of *lu'*),
}giving something like:

I'm not sure what the person meant, either.

}    [literally] "We search that: Someone that understands us"
}However, I realize that "Sov" should be the head noun...

Sov is in the position of a head noun, but the object of {wIyajlu'} *must*
be {maH}.  ?{maH wIyajlu'bogh wInej} "We are looking for the us that is
understood."  Could mean something to someone.

wIyajlu' - someone understands us, we are understood
Sov wIyajbogh - knowledge [that] we understand

I suspect the author made a suffix error.  

Sov wIyajlaHbogh wInej - We look for knowledge that we can understand.
Sov wIyajchu'bogh wInej - We look for knowledge that we understand completely.

}Well, I'm really confused and reading section 4.2.5 again and again
}didn't help me.

You've given this one to me as KLBC, but I can't answer the question of what
it should mean.  I don't have that jatmey, either.  Perhaps the author is on
the list, and can clear up what s/he meant.

}Where can I find an accurate translation of *lut'a"? (I'm do not want
}the translation a the whole
}jatmey because I want to give it a serious try!).

Good going.  This probably won't be the last confusing error you find.

Qov     [email protected]
Now on ICQ: 12235599               

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