tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat May 16 21:31:56 1998

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better way to learn

I had an idea a few days ago.  As well as Klingon, I am a student of the
French language at my high school and recently, we read a book in my class
called "Suivez la Piste".  This book is a short detective thriller (not
incredibly thrilling, in my opinion, but not bad) that uses everyday
conversational French while the plot evolves.  This use of language as well as
english stage directions and descriptions made it very easy to guess the
meaning of any words you don't understand.  At the end of each chapter, there
was also a list of expressions used in the chapter and a description of
grammatical points used, i.e. verb conjigations and such.  To the point, I was
thinking that a similar book in Klingon may be of tremendous benefit to people
who are trying to learn Klingon.  I'd love to hear any comments or

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