tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri May 15 09:00:55 1998

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Re: {HoH}

: In Michael Crichton's "The Terminal Man" (starting on page 202 in the
: paperback edition), there is a filled-out police homicide report.  It has a
: lot of information on the murder (which was part of the plot, of course),
: and near the top, under "Type of Crime," there you see... HoH.  This could
: be an actual police abbreviation for homicide, or maybe Crichton just made
: it up, but either way, Terminal Man is a pretty mainstream book.
: qoror

With just that capitalization: HoH?  Interesting.  Are there any other clues
in the novel as to the meaning of the abbreviation, H.o.H.?   Are there any
fans of crime or detective fiction here on the list who recognize this?


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