tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun May 10 11:20:46 1998

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Re: KLBC: Re: mach 'ach Hach

At 15:33 98-05-08 -0700, HovqIj wrote:

}va. <KLBC> vIlIjqa' jay'. HIHoHQo'.

va.  KLBC Danopmo' vIjangnISbe'pu' 'e' vIHar.  DaH qaHoH. :)

}> peqIm! HovqIj is going to write some stuff which might cause big
}> trouble...
}> bom'e' qonta'bogh *Catull* vIlaD. Dun. bomvam noy law' latlh *Catull*
}> bommey noy puS. noy HochHom *Catull* bommey 'e' vIchID 'ach le' bomvam.
}> cha' tlhegh neH luqonlu' 'ach ghu' napHa'qu' luDelchu' tlheghmeyvam.
}> vaj bomvam mugh neHchugh vay' Qatlhba' Qu'. mugh neHchugh vay' pe'vIl
}> jatlhlu'bogh mu' 'ay'mey pe'vIlHa' jatlhlu'bogh mu' 'ay'mey qelnIS je.
}> *Germany* HolvaD bom qech mughlu' 'e' qay'chu'be'. 'ach loQ luj SoQ
}> mIwmey pab neHbogh Hoch nuvpu''e' . DaH bomvam Doj boSov boneHbej. bom
}> qech tlhIngan HolvaD vImugh 'e' vInID. (pejachQo'! bommey mughbe'nIS
}> taghwI' 'e' vISov 'ach jItlhu'qu'.)

}> And here comes the desired translation:
}> I read a great poem (=song) which Catull had composed. It was great.
}> This poem is more famous than the other Catull poems. I admit that most
}> of Catull's poems are famous but this poem is exceptional. Only two
}> lines (can I use {tlhegh} here?) 

I'd say so, seing as "sentence" is mu'tlhegh.

}> are composed but these lines clearly
}> describe a very... "un-simple" ({Qatlh} vIjatlhQo'. Qatlhbe' ghu'.
}> napHa' ghu'.) 

napHa' is good.

}> situation. Thus, if someone wants to translate this poem,
}> the mission is obviously difficult. If someone wants to translate this
}> poem, (s)he must also consider the forcefully spoken syllables (=word
}> sections) and the un-forcefully (can I use {pe'vIlHa'}?)

Not until we see it in canon.

}> spoken
}> syllables (an attempt at describing "meter"). It is not really a problem
}> to translate the idea of the poem to German. But all persons who wanted
}> to follow the rules of speech (i. e. "meter" again) failed a little. Now
}> you certainly want to know this impressive poem. I try to translate it
}> to Klingon. (Don't scream! I know a beginner mustn't translate poems but
}> I am very tempted.)

}> -->'nIS = mustn't - ...nISbe' = needn't ???

Concisely and correctly stated.

}> <I hate and I love. You maybe ask why. (I'm not sure if I remember this
}>  correctly, {ghel} means ask, right?)
}>  I don't know [it]. But I notice that it is happening and I suffer a
}>  lot.>

}> <jImuS 'ej jImuSHa'. <qatlh?> chaq bIghel.
}>  vISovbe'. 'ach qaStaH 'e' vItu' 'ej jIbechqu'.>

I would have written chaq bIghel <qatlh>, because the way to write speech
(lets assume ghel is a verb of saying, it might not be) is to put the
attributed or quoted speech immediately before ot immediately after the verb
of saying.  We don't know anything about intervening adverbs.

}> The original text was:
}> <Odi et amo. Quare id faciam, fortasse requiris.
}>  Nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior.>

I don't read Latin, so beyond recognizing cognates this doesn't help me too
much. :(

I should also mention that {muSHa'} isn't everyone's 100 percent favourite
for translating "love."   I think it works well because of the way love and
hate are so slitherily interchangeable, but the lack of canon using it that
way and the possibility that {muSHa'} means mishate has to be mentioned.

Qov     [email protected]
Now on ICQ: 12235599               

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