tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri May 08 13:50:56 1998

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A very short story...

I just felt like writing a short story in Klingon, so I did.
I suspect it's probably full of errors, but I hope you will make the most of it.
Plot : Two people standing in a bar. They do not know each other.
qabej tlhlH je choplH (I watch you and you are suspicious.)
choyIt Highos (You walk towards me)
chojatlh nuqneH (You speak. What do you want?)
pagh (Nothing!)
chobejQo' (Do not watch me.)
qabejbe (I will not watch you)
maj (Good)
bI'lv (Who are you) [I am sure that this isn't right.]
torgh (Torgh)
torgh choHohvipbe' (Torgh, I am not afraid to kill you.)
cholI' (You come closer)
chonuQchugh qaHoh (Don't annoy me, or I will kill you.)
lu' (Ok)
(The person then hits his communicator, and contacts his ship in orbit.)
jol ylchu' (Activate transport beam / beam me up)
David Baxter.

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