tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu May 07 04:49:18 1998

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Re: ...beings capable of using language...

 Sei gegruesst, Qermaq!

>LANGUAGE: A body of words and a system for their use, to paraphrase my
>USING LANGUAGE: A computer or tape player can emit sounds that are lingual,

And what about written language?
And what about programming languages?

How is "being capable" ment then? We do agree on the point of not 
concerning tapeplayers or printers to be "using" language as it was ment 
to be.
But if we describe language as an exchange of information by a media? Who
says this media must be lingual, have words or sentences, or even must 
have an akustic carrier?

I.e. my Mac is using his programmed language properly.   "I am Performa, 
from the house of Mac!"  ;-))

Macpu' Soch'a'



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