tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu May 07 05:24:05 1998

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Re: ...beings capable of using language...

>And what about written language?
>And what about programming languages?
>How is "being capable" ment then? We do agree on the point of not 
>concerning tapeplayers or printers to be "using" language as it was ment 
>to be.
>But if we describe language as an exchange of information by a media? Who
>says this media must be lingual, have words or sentences, or even must 
>have an akustic carrier?
>I.e. my Mac is using his programmed language properly.   "I am Performa, 
>from the house of Mac!"  ;-))

TKD says "...BEINGS capable of..."

beings - living entities

In the message quoted above he used a bifferent meaning of the word [being].
A computer is not a being (a living entity).

It is not strictly "can the thing use language?", the question is "is it a
BEING (a living entity) which is capable of using language?"


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