tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue May 05 08:11:17 1998

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KLBC: A few sentences (back after negelcting klingon for a few m

(if this message appears twice, I apologize. But the first one seems to
have been lost, as I sent it almost 24h ago, and it hasn't reached the

[jItlhabpu' jIH 'e'mo' tlhingan Hol jIghojtaHbe']
(Because I've been busy, I've stopped learning Klingon.)

[tlhab] is probably wrong and I'm uncertain about
the negation of [taH]

Maybe [ghojmevpu'] is better?

[tlhingan Hol jIghojqa' jIH]
(I'm taking it up again.)

[*hard/alot/much/good* jIHaD 'e' jInID jIH]
(I'll try to study hard)

[mu'tlhegh QaQ 'e'vaD mu'mey lugh 'e' jItu' Qatlh]
(It is difficult to find the words needed for the sentence to sound good)

/ Peter Schuller

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