tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jul 31 08:27:28 1998

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RE: word for glory?

qaSDI' 04:10 AM 7/31/98 -0700, ghItlh Holtej
>> Dawut here, with a quick question about vocabulary.
>> In the epidsode "Heart of Glory", Worf speaks of "honor and glory and
>> legends [we] will write".  I tried to find the word for "glory" and I
>> counldn't find it. Does it exist? Is there an accepted alternate?
>When trying to translate, you will often be confronted with words in one
>language that aren't directly mapped to words in another language.  Since
>Klingon's lexicon is so small, this will happen *a lot*.  The thing to do in
>this case is ask yourself, what does the original mean?  How can a
>comparable meaning be represented in Klingon?

Some time ago, on this list, DaQtIq pointed out what I think is an excelent
alternate word for "glory."  P.47 of The Klingon Way describes the meaning
of *pop* as "Honor, in the sense of recognition for a particular
achievment, or set of achievments."


>What is glory?  My webster's says it's "exalted praise, honor, or
>distinction bestowed by common consent; something that makes one honored or
>illlustrious."  In most cases, I would probably stick with {batlh} or {quv},
>unless there were a fine distinction I wanted to make.  If you *do* want to
>make a fine distinction, rather than just translate word-for-word what
>someone else wrote, then describe that distinction, and work from there.
>And in doing so, don't just focus on the words.  Also take into account the
>grammatical tools which Klingon provides, and the Klingon culture.
>> And what of Worf describing Grilka as glorious? How would be
>> transliterated into tlhIngan Hol?
>"Transliteration" has to do with how words are represented.  I'd
>transliterate "glorious" as *{ghI'lor'Iy'uS} or something.  If I wanted to
>describe someone as glorious in Klingon (meaning, I suppose, someone who is
>honored or illustrious), I'd likely write {ghIrIlqa' quv}, or variations on
>this.  If you are really looking for something different from "honored",
>first decide what you *mean*, then decide how to say it.
>> Stardate 9807.30
>HovpoH 98580.31
>> Dawut

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