tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jul 31 10:50:36 1998

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RE: word for glory?

>> In the episode "Heart of Glory", Worf speaks of "honor and glory and
>> legends [we] will write".  I tried to find the word for "glory" and I
>> counldn't find it. Does it exist? Is there an accepted alternate?

: Some time ago, on this list, DaQtIq pointed out what I think is an excelent
: alternate word for "glory."  P.47 of The Klingon Way describes the meaning
: of *pop* as "Honor, in the sense of recognition for a particular
: achievement, or set of achievments."

Which was from the commentary for this {vIttlhegh}, which so far is the only
use of {pop} in a tlhIngan Hol context:

     pop 'oH ghob'e' 
     Virtue is the reward. 

"This proverb does not mean 'Virtue is honor.' The use of the word {pop}
suggests that virtue is the honor bestowed as a result of acting in a manner
respectful of society's values, not simply advocating them." (TKW p.47)

Dawut again:
>> And what of Worf describing Grilka as glorious? How would be
>> transliterated into tlhIngan Hol?

:                  [snip]                                     If I wanted to
: describe someone as glorious in Klingon (meaning, I suppose, someone who is
: honored or illustrious), I'd likely write {ghIrIlqa' quv}, or variations on
: this.  If you are really looking for something different from "honored",
: first decide what you *mean*, then decide how to say it.
In this case - Worf gushing like a teenager over a strange Klingon woman he
sees in Quark's bar - I would use {Dun} "be wonderful, be great": 

  qIbDaq SuvwI' SoH Dun law' Hoch Dun puS. (?)
  You would be the greatest warrior in the galaxy. ST5

  ta'mey Dun, bommey Dun. 
  Great deeds, great songs. TKW

FWIW, the editors at ST:Continuum's "Klingon Linguistic Studies" defined
this as a "Quality, to be outstanding, or worthy of admiration," which is
pretty much the meaning Worf was after.  He wasn't thinking of her
honorable/illustrious reputation or combat record, since he didn't even know
her name yet.  Another option is {Doj} "be impressive".  Once he got to know
her, he might well use {quv} though.


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