tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Jul 25 12:13:52 1998

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Re: List for beginners???

At 04:13 PM 7/24/98 -0700, David Baxter wrote:
>Somebody please correct me if I am wrong, but when I first subscribed to
>this list, it was a list for beginners. 

I'm afraid you are confused about the purpose of the list.  This
is not a beginner's list.  It's simply a forum for the Klingon language, 
at all levels of expertise. You can discuss Klingon grammar, at a beginner
or expert level, or anywhere in between, in English, and you can post tlhIngan 
Hol messages, again at any level.  The label 'KLBC' is specifically intended 
for use by beginners.
>Now I am finding that the majority
>of messages are written by people who appear to be quite fluent in Klingon.
>For people like me, who are looking to learn a new language, this is too
>confusing. It is like putting a Japanese person in the heart of Paris and
>telling him to get on with his life.

But, most of us who are fluent in Klingon got that way by puzzling out
the messages of those who were already fluent, one word at a time.

>I have seriously considered unsubscribing from this list, and I know other
>people have unsubbed, also because of the complexity of the language now it
>too great.
>Please bring the list back to what it used to be... a help place for
>beginners, and a place where beginners can share new ideas and learn the
>Klingon language.

Since that was never it's purpose, we can't return to it.  We could
maybe make it a beginner's list, but that would deprive those of
us at higher skill levels of a forum for our own discussions.  Why not
leave it as it is?  Take a stab at the messages you think you can
decipher, and just skip the others.  Over time, you may find yourself
becoming more fluent, too.

-- ter'eS

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