tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Jul 18 12:16:40 1998

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Re: learning the language

ja' Qov:
>SKI: If you're asked to speak Klingon and you don't know what to say,
>just say whatever you were planning to say next in Klingon instead of
>the language you were planning to say it in.

I've done that.  It is a bit disruptive to my train of thought, because I
have to remember that they didn't understand me and it's as if I hadn't
said it in the first place. :-)

I now have a canned phrase of my own that I am always prepared to use.
Since I generally am wearing my KLI lapel pin, I point to it and say:

mongDechwIjDaq Dochvam Dalegh'a'?  tlhIngan Hol vIjatlh 'e' 'ang DeghHomvam.

It's short enough that it doesn't annoy the listener, and it's long enough
to make it clear that Klingon is a real language and not just random noise.
As a bonus, it gives me a great opportunity to explain the KLI when I tell
them what it means.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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