tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jul 17 07:53:50 1998

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Re: learning the language

From: Robyn Stewart <[email protected]>

>Even Marc Okrand has
>been heard to string together a few unrelated set phrases when asked
>to say something, just to sound impressive.

Sure, but what are you supposed to say?  When people find out I speak
Klingon, here's the checklist of what happens:

(1) "Really?"

(2) "Say something!"

(3) I say, "nuq vIjatlhnIS?"  I never say "nuq vIjatlh DaneH" because of the
questionable grammar.  On the slight chance they might actually take an
active interest in Klingon (never happened yet), I don't want to begin with

(4) "What does that mean?"

(5) "It means, 'What do I need to say?'"

(6) "Hey, So-and-so!  Have you heard David speak Klingon?"

(7) "No!  You speak Klingon?  Say something!"

(8) I sigh.  Sometimes I'll repeat the phrase, but usually I'll say "vay'."

(9) "What's that?"

(10) "Something."

There's just nothing particularly special to say except for stock phrases.
If someone came to me and said "How do you say 'I hate tribbles'?" I'd
answer.  Unfortunately, they usually want a translation of "It is a good day
to die," or some other stock phrase.

Stardate 98540.6

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