tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jul 14 20:43:49 1998

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Re: nuqneH as greeting

From: Anthony Appleyard <[email protected]>

>  ghItlh Steven Boozer <[email protected]>:-
>"It is not infrequent to hear nonnative speakers of Klingon use nuqneH
>do you want?" as if it meant "hello" or the like in exchanges such as:
>            Speaker #1: nuqneH    (see (1))
>            Speaker #2: nuqneH    (see (2))
>No one steeped in Klingon culture would do this, however (except in some
>of a joking context, perhaps). To begin a conversation, just start! ...
>  (1) But people can't simply `just start'. Greetings aren't simply for
>politeness. I know by too much experience that #1 needs to say <some> sort
>call-attention word to get #2's attention, else #2 loses much of the start
>what the speaker said. Else #1 would get sick of being asked to repeat what
>said. This can get wearisome: HochHom vIjatlhpu'bogh vIjatlhqa' 'e' neHtaH
>SoSwI' 'e' rur.

Please, please, PLEASE stop using {-'e'} with {neH}, and stop putting aspect
suffixes on the second sentence!  You keep doing this, and it's driving me
crazy!  :)

Sure, they can just start.  Let's take an example:

tach 'ej tlhIngan.  HIvje'mey Say'moHtaH chom.  chom 'emDaq ba' tlhIngan,
vaj tlhIngan leghbe' chom.

jatlh tlhIngan <pubtaHbogh ghargh HIq vItlhutlh!>

tlhIngan leghmeH tlhe' chom.  jang <cha' DarSeq>.

Or how about another example:

vaS'a'Daq ghomchuq cha' be' 'e' lunab.  pawDI' be' wa'DIch, 'eq 'e' tu'.
be' cha'DIch loSchoH.  loStaHvIS, De'wI'HomDaj chu'; bom qonlI'bogh HaD.

tugh paw be' cha'DIch.  jupDaj legh, vaj chol.  ghel be' cha'DIch <bomlIj
Daqonchu'ta''a', chaj?>

bom buSchu'mo' be' wa'DIch, jupDaj Qoybe'.

jach be' cha'DIch <qIm!  bomlIj Daqonchu'ta''a'?>

>  (2) #1 knows what he was going to ask or tell #2 about. #2 does not know
>the start. So in reply #2 must ask {nuqneH?}, in its literal meaning, to
>#1 that he is listening.

If it is being literal, then {nuq DaneH} is appropriate.  {nuqneH} is only a
greeting, and only to be used when you're waiting for someone to start
speaking.  More than just "whaddyawant?" it means "Get on with it!"

Stardate 98534.7

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