tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jul 14 20:44:03 1998

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Re: KLBC: Dap 'ach pab

From: Robyn Stewart <[email protected]>

>This leads to the question of how do you say, "me too"?
>At my first qep'a' I said, "je jIH" and got a quizzical look and a
>correction "jIH je" from Seqram.  My logic was that if someone says,
>"megh vIneH" you could say
>"megh vIneH je jIH."  At any rate, most people say {jIH je} and
>there's no login in "me too."  I think I still say "je jIH."  Just to
>make people think.

>From a straight grammar point of view, neither order works, of course.

If the point is to parallel the English usage, we run into a bit of a
problem.  In English, "me too" uses the *object* pronoun, rather than the
subject pronoun "I".  So, if the point is trying to parallel the English,
you can't; Klingon doesn't distintuish between object and subject pronouns.

"Me too" isn't short for anything, so saying {je jIH} isn't a parallel,
though it would be if people said "I too."

{jIH je} is pretty meaningless anyway.

I usually drag out {jIQochbe'} or {maj} or I repeat the whole thing or I
find some other appropriate expression.

Stardate 98534.7

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